“Remember in the ’90s when everyone had uber-skinny, highly-arched brows?
Those days are over, as women are 86-ing their tweezers in favor of a no-arch look, according to a new study in the Clinical Plastic Surgery journal that predicts an arched brow will soon be obsolete.
The ideal eyebrow has been moving lower to the eye for a whopping 60 years now, the Independent notes. The result? Our brows are making us look more masculine.
For a recent study, analyzers at the University of Southern California examined the brows of models and women in fashion magazines from 1946 onward and found an interesting trend: not only have eyebrows gotten progressively fuller, but the peak of them has moved further from the nose; in other words, brows are getting flatter. Bye bye, sperm brows!
The secret reason for this? Fluid gender dynamics, according to Mark Soldin, a spokesman for the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, who told the Independent:
“Upward curvature of the eyebrows was considered to be an attractive feminine feature in the past. We are finding that more and more women are looking for a flatter, straighter, more masculine look. I think it has to do with the increasing equality of the sexes. Women are subconsciously favouring a masculine brow.”
Subconscious gender flux or not, the fuller brow has been in for some time, modeled by young Hollywood royalty like Emma Watson and Camilla Belle. Some women are even turning to hair transplant surgery to fill in their overplucked brows.
Are your brows thicker than they used to be? Read more at the Independent.”



Didn’t see a nice pic of those super manly eyebrows they were referencing in this article, but I wanted to know why would it be a woman’s inclination to show her masculinity by growing out the brows? Is this similar to the pants movement? That wasn’t a subconscious gender fluid act, that was a statement! And how do you explain men plucking their eyebrows and wearing skinny jeans – pretty feminine to me – creating a whole new ‘identity’: metrosexual male.  Do all of our actions in regards to fashion and the way we carry ourselves have to be towards either side of the gender spectrum.  Will thick eyebrows make us more manly therefore more equal? I do think the they way we present ourselves is how we will be treated, so very thin and colored-in brows may not allow our peers to focus on our talents, just our foreheads and ask ‘can I take someone seriously who spends so much time on their vanity?’ But again are we trying to emulate men or just trying to move past the things society said we are supposed to do as women.  I think its slightly offensive to say we are trying to be like men, and don’t even know; rather than putting forth that we might be moving beyond societal limits set for women.